










2009.09 - 2013.07,昆明理工大学,冶金工程,本科

2013.09 - 2015.07,东北大学,钢铁冶金,硕士

2015.09 - 2019.10,东北大学,材料加工工程,博

2018.09 - 2018.12,德国亚琛工业大学,访问学者





担任国际著名期刊《Materials Science & Engineering A》及《Materials Science & Technology》审稿人。






2)江苏省自然科学基金项目,中锰钢的超细晶组织制备及变形机理研究, 2020-2023,在研,主持













(1) H.J. Pan, X.Y. Li, S.H. Zhang*, W.H. Zhou, Z.Q. Wu, L. Liu*, Effect of strain rate on the microstructure evolution and superplastic deformation behavior of cold-rolled medium Mn lightweight steel, Mater. Sci. Engin. A 879(2023)145241.

(2) H.J. Pan*, C.F. Wei*, H.M. Zhang, X.Y. Li, L. Liu, J. Li, Z.Q. Wu, Strain rate sensitivity of low-temperature superplastic cold-rolled medium Mn steel with ultrafine equiaxed dual-phase microstructure, Mater. Sci. Engin. A 873(2023)145025.

(3) H.J. Pan*, X.Y. Li*, H.M. Zhang, L. Liu, Z.Q. Wu, Achieving low-temperature superplasticity in a cold-rolled medium Mn steel with an equilibrium ultrafine equiaxed dual-phase microstructure, Mater. Sci. Engin. A 873(2023)145004.

(4) H.J. Pan*, X.Y. Li*, H.M. Zhang, L. Liu, J. Li, Y.J. Zhao, Z.J. Wang, Y. Zhang, Z.Q. Wu, M.H. Cai, H. Ding, Achieving ultra-high elongation of 1401% in a warm-rolled medium Mn lightweight steel with dual-phase lamellar structure, Mater. Sci. Engin. A 862(2023)144493.

(5) H.J. Pan*, W.Y. Tao, B. Zhang, P. Jiang, Z.Z. Wang, W.P. Wu, L. Liu, J. Li, Z.Q. Wu, Z.H. Cai*, Effect of Shot Peening Strengths on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 316L Stainless Steel Prepared by 3D Printing, Adv. Eng. Mater. 25(2023)2201675.

(6) H.J. Pan*, W.Y. Tao, L. Liu, H.M. Gao, Achieving Excellent Strength–Ductility Combination by Austempering below Ms in 40CrNiMo Steels, Adv. Eng. Mater. 25(2023)2300005.

(7) H.J. Pan*, W.Y. Tao, B. Zhang, P. Jiang, Z.Z. Wang, L. Liu, Z.Q. Wu, Z.H. Cai, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 3D-Printed 316L Stainless Steel at Different Shot Peening Durations, J. Mater. Eng. Perform., (2023).

(8) H.J. Pan*, Z. Wang, B. Zhang, P. Jiang, Z.Z. Wang, W.P. Wu, L. Liu, J. Li, Z.Q. Wu, Z.H. Cai, Effect of Shot Peening on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 316L Stainless Steel Prepared by 3D Printing with Different Forming Angles, J. Mater. Eng. Perform., (2023).

(9) H.J. Pan*, S.P. Zhao, B. Qiao, X.Y. Xie, Y.C. Zhang, T.T. Wei, Y.L. Zhu, J. Li, D.X. Han, Enhanced Mechanical Properties and Ultrafine Microstructure of 18CrNiMo7-6 Steel Prepared by Quenching and Partitioning Combined Cryogenic Treatment, J. Mater. Eng. Perform., 32 (2023)10236–10242.

(10) H.J. Pan*, W.W. Yu, C.F. Wei, J.S. Zhang, J. Li, G. Wei, X.Y. Li, B. Qiao, L. Liu, Z.H. Cai, Z.Q. Wu, Enhanced Hydrogen Embrittlement Resistance of Medium Mn Steel by Tailoring Retained Austenite Morphology, J. Mater. Eng. Perform., 32 (2023)712717.

(11) W.W. Yu, H.J. Pan*, B. Zhang, B. Huang, X.Y. Li, Y.J. Zhao, J. Li, M. Ji, Z. Sun, Z. Zhang, L. Liu*, Influence of Laser Power on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Laser Welded Medium Manganese Transformation-Induced Plasticity Steel, J. Mater. Eng. Perform., (2023).

(12) H.J. Pan*, Z. Wang, J.S. Zhang, J. Li, G. Wei, B. Qiao, L. Liu, J. Li, Y.J. Zhao, Z.J. Wang, W.S. Zhu, D.X. Han*, The effects of Q&P on microstructures and mechanical properties of a 18CrNiMo7-6 steel, Mater. Sci. Engin. A 861(2022)144374.

(13) H.J. Pan*, X.Y. Li, B. Qiao, N.M. Miao, F. Qi, Y. Zhang, H. Ding, M.H. Cai, A medium-Mn steel stamped parts overcoming luders deformation by increasing dislocation density, J. Mater. Eng. Perform., 31(2022)1–7. 

(14) H.J. Pan*, C.F. Wei, W.W. Yu, X.Y. Li, B. Qiao, Achieving Excellent StrengthDuctility Combination by Cyclic Quenching Treatment in 22MnB5 Steel, J. Mater. Eng. Perform., 31(2022)66596663.

(15) H.J. Pan*, X.Y. Li, B. Qiao, Y. Zhang, N.M. Miao, L. Liu, H. Ding, M.H. Cai, New Insights to Understand the Influence of Nb/Mo on Hydrogen Embrittlement Resistance of Warm-Rolled Medium-Mn Steels, J. Mater. Eng. Perform., 31(2022) 32283233.

(16) H.J. Pan*, P. Jiang*, Y. Zhang, W.P. Wu, Z.Z. Wang, Q. Wang, H.Y. Li*, Microstructure and mechanical properties of a novel Nb–Mo bearing medium-Mn alloy affected by intercritical annealing and tempering, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 802(2021)140680.

(17) H.J. Pan*, P. Jiang, Y. Zhang, W.P. Wu, Z.Z. Wang, Q. Wang, H.Y. Li, Microstructure evolution and enhanced mechanical properties of a Nb–Mo microalloyed medium Mn alloy fabricated by a novel cyclic quenching treatment, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 797(2020)140076.

(18) H.J. Pan, H. Ding*, M.H. Cai, D. Kibaroglu, Y. Ma, W.W. Song*, Precipitation behavior and austenite stability of Nb or Nb-Mo micro-alloyed warm-rolled medium-Mn steels, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 766(2019)138371.

(19) H.J. Pan, M.H. Cai*, H. Ding, S.H. Sun, H.S. Huang, Y.S. Zhang, Ultrahigh strength-ductile medium-Mn steel auto-parts combining warm stamping and quenching & partitioning, Mater. Sci. Technol. 35(2019)807-814.

(20) H.J. Pan, H. Ding*, M.H. Cai, Microstructural evolution and precipitation behavior of the warm-rolled medium Mn steels containing Nb or Nb-Mo during intercritical annealing, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 736(2018)375-382.

(21) H.J. Pan, M.H. Cai*, H. Ding, H.S. Huang, B. Zhu, Y.L. Wang*, Y.S. Zhang, Microstructure evolution and enhanced performance of a novel Nb-Mo microalloyed medium Mn alloy fabricated by low-temperature rolling and warm stamping, Mater. Des.134(2017)352-360.


(1) 潘海军, 虞旺旺,韦超凡,刘麟,李京,赵玉杰,王志坚. 一种汽车用梯度组织结构高铝中锰钢焊接件及其制备工艺,2023-11-17, ZF115786798B.

(2) 潘海军, 陶文宇, 王政, 李新宇, 虞旺旺,韦超凡. 一种超细孪晶梯度结构中锰钢及其制备方法, 2023-06-09, ZF115572887B.

(3) 潘海军, 虞旺旺, 韦超凡, 张劲松, 李珺, 魏刚, 李京, 刘麟. 一种Nb-V微合金化抗氢脆高强韧40CrNiMo钢及其制备方法, 2022-12-23, ZF114645222B.

(4) 潘海军, 刘麟, 李京, 刘文明, 江鹏, 王知鸷, 吴王平, 苗乃明. 一种低温高应变速率超塑性中锰钢及其制备方法, 2022-06-03, ZF114318161B.

(5) 潘海军, 韦超凡, 虞旺旺, 江鹏, 吴王平, 王知鸷, 苗乃明. 一种20Cr2Ni4A钢循环淬火细晶工艺, 2022-04-19, ZF113930591B.

(6) 潘海军, 刘麟, 李京, 刘文明, 江鹏, 王知鸷, 吴王平, 苗乃明. 一种基于TWIP效应和微合金析出制备超细晶高强韧中锰钢的方法, 2022-04-11, ZF114703417B.

(7) 潘海军, 李新宇, 江鹏, 吴王平, 王知鸷, 苗乃明. 一种纳米增强抗氢脆中锰钢及其制备方法, 2022-02-11, ZF113106352B.





Email: phj@cczu.edu.cn,电话:13915063047(同微信)